Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Design in Other Careers

Design applies to many career fields besides just fashion and visual areas. I figured this out when I went to camp one year. At this camp, we were collecting tropical fish to study the parasites that infected them. It was mainly science based and for some reason, all the participants were not those that were interested in any field of science. They were all students that were interested in the arts or humanities. The reason that this came about was because they wanted to bring a new light to scientific research. They wanted to make it known that science is not all about wearing lab coats and doing boring tests all day. It involved creativity, passion and problem solving. Many experiments could only be conducted because someone was creative enough to configure the devices that were necessary to undergo the experiment. Creativity was also crucial because a lot of the time, scientists aren’t adequately funded, therefore, they have to make do with what they have, leading to innovation.  I would have never thought that science needed design. I initially went to this camp because I wanted to travel. But because of my exposure at that camp, I have decided to double major in design and wildlife conservation at UC Davis. I am excited to start on this journey!

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