Sunday, November 7, 2010

image - word = ?

The images that are next to words are very important. They can be dictate whether or not an image should get interpreted the way that it is meant to be.

In my technocultural studies class, we were learning about the importance of photography in modern day times. For example, if you went somewhere amazing, but you weren’t able to take a picture of yourself there, would people believe that you actually went there? it’s a whole lot of credibility, and evidence for the things that we say, and the things we believe.

*warning! the images below arent exactly the prettiest. careful!*

A lot of pictures that are used in the media, are very controversial. It is up to the captioning that is placed under the images to lead us to believe certain things. Many of the pictures that are used as commentary for the war in the Middle East can either be used for the U.S. Military, or against it depending on what is written. 

If you saw a picture of someone lying on the ground, with a U.S. soldier standing above them, that picture could be used in a good way and a bad way. The captions could say: U.S. soldier captures a potential terrorist. If you read that, you would be all: OH YEAHHHH our soldiers are beast! But if it said something like: U.S. soldier kills innocent civilian. You would be like: war is bad :[

Depending on the words that are placed next to images, many different opinions and feelings can come across.

With this, we have to be careful what we see in today’s media. Its up to us to interpret what is true and what is false. I guess seeing really isn’t believing o.o what is everything supposed to mean!!

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