1. Thinking
2. Looking
3. Doing
Today, we did an activity named stone soup. The idea was based off a children’s book written and illustrated by Marcia brown. Each person in our group was called to bring in objects from home that could be used to create something, just like the ingredients for making a soup.
After laying out everything that everyone had brought onto the ground, my group realized that we needed a purpose, a common goal that we all wanted to reach. Looking around, we all agreed to create an octopus. Someone had brought a lot of pipe cleaners, and we wanted to utilize them to their fullest extent… tentacles!
We had just performed the first step of the creative process :) thinking.
Once we came up with this wonderful idea, we were all feeling ambitious. And the next thing that we did was figure out how to go about making this octopus. It brought us back to the materials on the ground. What could we use for what? We delegated different body parts to different people and soon everyone got a sense of which materials they were going to use for their parts.
We had just performed the second step of the creative process :) looking.
And finally we each made our own part of the octopus and put everything together. Our monster came alive!
And that was the third step of the creative process :) doing.
After that whole ordeal, our group was feeling really accomplished, and a little more connected. so we came up with a name for ourselves! We are now officially the ASIAN 8! The asian 8 underwent a process that is used by the professionals. We are on our way to greatness…
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