Everywhere I look, I see something that was designed, and designed very well at that. It makes me question myself whenever I think about my future. Am I good enough to be a designer? Do I really have what it takes? Yeah sure, I can be creative, and I can color in the lines. But what does it take to be a designer: what are they made out of?
I did some research on designers and I discovered two that graduated from UC Davis :D first we have: Deborah Butterfield. And second, we have: Bruce Nauman. Upon discovering these two people, I realized that everyone has to start somewhere, and these people started where I am today!
This reassurance got me right back onto my feet and back into the light. My internet surfing continued and I found another artist that I think is pretty cool. Here is his link:
This man, Stefan G. Bucher, set himself on a challenge to design something everyday. And that is what he did! If you didn't click on the link, here is an example of what he does:
And that makes a lot of sense to me. Practice really does make perfect. In that case, I need more practice...
Another cool thing I found online:
Time to get practicing!
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